miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2009
Clase de hermandad Club de Aikido ETSID y ACAE Valencia
jueves, 22 de octubre de 2009
Platón, el arte y el aikido / Plato the art and the aikido
Beyond the differences of place and time, there is a universal human wisdom, expressed variously in Europe and Asia.
In this view believed Aldous Huxley and Karl Jaspers, and called "Philosophia perennis.
(Por lo que, quien posea la prudencia, poseerá la base del conocimiento y la sabiduría, y quien esté dominado por la ignorancia, se convertirá en el origen del atrevimiento, y en su interior albergará el mayor de los pecados, ya que con la ignorancia, se cometen las mayores atrocidades.)
"Son mis padres quienes me han dado la vida; es el maestro quien me ha hecho un hombre"
"He comprendido que el budô no consiste en derribar al adversario por la fuerza y que no se le puede utilizar para llevar al mundo a la destrucción por medio de las armas."
"El verdadero budô consiste en aceptar al Espíritu del Universo, en guardar la paz del mundo y en producir, proteger y cultivar correctamente a todos los seres de la naturaleza."
Morihei Ueshiba
Si el resultado es de efectos como, respeto, humildad, serenidad, auto control y conocimiento, es que el tipo de enseñanza es buena, pero si por el contrario, los efectos son justamente lo opuesto, se podrá decir que el estilo, las formas y las técnicas, carecen de los más mínimos principios filosóficos basados en el “conocimiento de aquello que se habla”, en este caso con mayor responsabilidad ya que se trataría de lo que se enseña. Si no se tiene conocimiento de aquello que se enseña, difícilmente la enseñanza será buena y la obra carecerá de la belleza que Platón pretende en las obras del artista.Por otro lado, el peligro estriba en el conocimiento superficial de lo que se enseña, lo cual no lleva sino a la “polimatía” (pensar que se sabe lo que no se sabe) y aquellos que las han aprendido mal, son aún peores que aquellos que no las han aprendido en absoluto.
“No se puede hablar de la filosofía del Aikido, sin tener un conocimiento lo suficientemente amplio de la técnica, como competencia para el estudio y análisis de la misma”.
De nuevo une Platón a la filosofía con la ciencia, es decir la filosofía con la experiencia de la práctica, ya que toda ciencia surge de la práctica y no hay mejor práctica que el arte aplicado a la ciencia.
“No hay forma ni estilo en el Aikido. El movimiento del Aikido es el movimiento de la naturaleza, cuyo secreto es profundo e insondable”
"Lo más importante del movimiento circular es el centro fijo. En el Aikido, nuestro cuerpo humano se considera como un pequeño universo, y el cuerpo se convierte en uno con la naturaleza y realiza un movimiento circular. De esta forma podemos demostrar el mayor nivel de expresión de las técnicas del Aikido."
BUSHIDO, El código ético del samurái y el alma de Japón, MIRAGUANO EDICIONES, Edición de José Javier Fuente del Pilar
Beyond the differences of place and time, there is a universal human wisdom, expressed variously in Europe and Asia.
In this view believed Aldous Huxley and Karl Jaspers, and called "Philosophia perennis.
Dr. Alfonso J. Falero Folgoso
University of Salamanca
"When Plato opened his school, claiming that only philosophy could lead men to the acquisition of that kind of wisdom, which is based on the ultimate good of both the state and individuals, was offered to it same really, as a teacher of good. "
G. M. A. Grube
There before him are two kinds of men who were recognized this title: the poets and the sophists. The latter openly proclaimed its capacity in this respect, however, expose these claims (which were not accepted openly) it was relatively easy.
The case was different poets, it was not aware that they themselves claiming to be masters of wisdom, considering that for centuries had molded the religious beliefs of Greece. Being an artist was himself both as a philosopher, art was naturally a very dear and valued for himself, by a priori what makes us think that the first battle between art and philosophy, had to fight within his own mind within their own view as being. Finally in my opinion the winner must have been a philosopher what led him to justify his victory to the artist and the world.
"The definition of man as such (a work-art) is not any particular man, but man, (philosophy) reality independent of each other, which will continue to exist even if the other ceases to exist."
Plato's theory of art, in principle seems to confine itself strictly to a discussion on poetry, but this definition given by Plato refers to "the making" and that covered all types of art, there to connect it directly with aikido, because as a martial art and philosophy, can become a dilemma in the minds of aikidokas, which like Plato, had to discern between one thing or another, since both depend on and are conditional upon each other .
This is not to accept aikido as an absolute reality, as in "The theory of ideas or forms", but as a future vision where they can converge both ideas and thoughts of each others , although this may affect or condition the practitioner, in his personal realization of an absolute reality as being.
Moreover, some will always like the Sophists of the time, seeking to divert attention from men (aikidokas) of philosophical speculation into practice, including Plato, the men described as lacking faith in the possibility of a knowledge about ultimate realities or absolute standards.
Hence the risk for some aikido instructors, they fall into the same temptation that sophists, focusing solely on the practice to the detriment of philosophy, for the same act be interpreted as true only what is perceived as rejecting those as to be imperceptible, reaffirming Gorgias's thought on that, there is nothing to know, that if anything, we could not know that if we know it could not communicate our knowledge to others.
Plato This statement qualifies as selfish and based on the opinion because that is not aware of one thing, it would still exist, at the same time insisting on the possibility of knowledge and the existence of absolute values, those that govern the universe.
Currently, debate is often under the opinion on whether or not the Creator of the universe and that science in general is all that exists because it can be shown, advances in medicine, molecular physics, the human cloning etc ... Could it be that it has lost sight of reality, and that man in his vision of himself is no longer seen for what it really is, and look more toward their work than to their own interior? Could it be that he is overcoming the ego and just continue as they awaken to their own ignorance when irretrievably lost in the deepest darkness of knowledge?.
For the same reason those who are knowledgeable about the existence of the absolute, must transmit not only not to fall into selfishness, but that this knowledge can flow, and become shared by all those looking at all , detachment of the relative, or the ascension into the light of knowledge from the darkness of the mind.
When practicing aikido with the severity of the sincerity, the partner (uke), you must perform the attack for its effectiveness, so that in that same way (tori) can perform the technique of defense, and when the attack performed with several uke, the end is, to prepare the practitioner for commitments and situations that life holds, with the aim of which is not conditioned for it.
This practice is efficient, makes the aikido practitioner to increase and enhance their reflexes, both physical and emotional. These reflections are no more than the sum of experiences through practice, so get with it greater stability and greater emotional self-control of himself.
"It's the constant training of the mind and body as a basic discipline for human beings who walk the spiritual path"
Morihei Ueshiba
The lessons are designed to open young people's intellect and practitioners, allied to obtain a better understanding of themselves and everything around them, in order that nothing may disturb or conditions in its evolution as free human beings , which are not constrained by public opinion, but through their own experiences to follow the path of knowledge without having to depend on the environment, circumstances and constraints in order to fulfill his wish, that is the dilemma, is and if we could isolate ourselves from the environment, circumstances and constraints? What would happen?
With an efficient practice of Aikido as an art, and respecting the philosophical principles that shaped him, through mutual respect and knowledge of the man himself, we can assert that the individual can be isolated from anything that disturbs you or conditions. (Single or multiple attacks, whether physical or verbal)
Turning again to knowledge, and Plato's thought intertwined with knowledge of the human being as such, and aikido in particular, should pay full attention to what mentioned by Plato when he makes the following comment. (Not for nothing was regarded as the founder of political psychology)
"When you talk on the basis of knowledge, words are often true, but when speaking on the basis of perception or opinion, the risk is that the words are wrong."
(So, who possesses the wisdom, possess the knowledge base and wisdom, and who is dominated by ignorance, will become the source of daring, and inside host the greatest sin, as with the ignorance, the worst atrocities were committed.)
"Ignorance is the greatest sin"
Socrates proved to possess knowledge, when wisely said he knew his own ignorance, and therefore was considered the wisest man in Greece. Like Socrates in ancient Greece discovered that poets say beautiful things, but they had no knowledge of what they said, people speak of what they have heard or read without knowledge of what they say, this practice is quite common today leads many pointless discussions that end up in war of words between those who know wisdom and its own limitations.
Efficient in practice Aikido, seeks knowledge from the first step to the realization of Ikkyo to the control of energy through respiration kokyu, this knowledge is akin to the "knowledge base" platonic way that this practice we are ensuring that our perception of events is correct, based on proper understanding of what we practice.
With instruction based on the principles of knowledge, we can move it to our everyday lives, avoiding words which are emptied by lack of knowledge, thereby avoiding confrontation and meaningless argument.
These errors must be taken into account, not as a criticism of those who practice it, but as a way to avoid repeatedly falling into the same mistakes.
There is no intention at any time become like the perfect poet Plato rejected, considering that its delivery becomes an embodiment of excess in representation.
The aikido teacher should not assume the personification of art as their own, as is the case with the perfect poet despised by Plato in his thinking about art, but must find the combination between the student and art teacher, as a basis their representation as both one as the other part of the work, thereby avoiding the trap of the personification of the ego.
"As someone who sits on the bench and judges others, I was disturbed by the egotism and materialistic tendencies that was inside me. I joined the Aikikai in Brazil when I learned that aikido was a martial art that represented the essence of traditional Japanese culture. Through Aikido practice my frustration not only dissolved but also discovered, hidden under my superficial self, Ki, the heart of the human spirit. I felt real joy and gratitude, and I think I've grown as a human being. "
Luis Panteleón
(Professor of law and district court judge in Sao Paulo -1978)
It is intended to unify the Tragedy and Comedy in one representative character (teacher) but to devote the necessary time to practice and knowledge of it, for connoisseurs of our own limitations, we can focus on studying and practicing an art not violent (Aikido) sharing the experience of the teacher to student, enriching both at once.
Like you can not combine both harmony with aggression, education should be shown as their own both teacher and student, and acceptance if any, of our own limitations (humility).
Plato, in his message that we should only keep the simple forms that imitate the lives of brave men in war and peace noble men is similar to the concept of Bushido tremendously as interpreted in Nitobe Inazo his work, Bushido Samurai Code of Ethics.
"These are my parents who have given me life, it is the teacher who made me a man"
Similarly, the student practitioner of aikido, you must imitate the teacher when their teachings are noble, full of sincerity and harmony with their environment.
This lifestyle as Plato says in his vision of art, is conditioned by the state of mind of the poet-artist, (aikidoka) derives directly from the content (knowledge), rhythm (breathing) and music (coordination ) which have to accompany the style (technical) and the overall simplicity of the whole will (forms). Both knowledge, such as breathing, coordination, technique and form are part of the implementation of the practice of Aikido, where the practitioner as well as the artist has to have a state in perfect harmony of his soul. (Ki)
All this makes the concept of Aikido as a way of life, resembles that Plato had the concept of art itself, the true art is impossible without the study of good and life (Harmony universal -合気KI-AI) because this is nothing but the representation of that. (Way-Do -道)
This view of Plato is fully in line with the thinking of Morihei Ueshiba O Sensei in his vision of Aikido in the last years of his life when he was considered one of the most spiritual people of Japan.
"I understand that budo is not to knock out his opponent by force and that it can be used to bring the world into destruction by weapons."
"True budo is to accept the Spirit of the Universe, in keeping world peace and to produce, protect and properly cultivate all beings in nature."
Morihei Ueshiba
This concept of Budo (Way of the Warrior) advocated by Morihei Ueshiba, is based on the principle of good study and life, virtues of being a lover of universal harmony. Artistic taste is a part of education, but good and the living beauty (purity of the soul) are higher than those of any work of art. (Other living)
According to Plato, the good artist must always have knowledge of what he creates, whether it is to create beauty. That is why Aikido teachers we must demand a full understanding of what we intend to teach, so that our students acquire the proper training and can pass on to future as reliably the value of what they have learned. Because otherwise like the mediocre artist, one we are creating a work devoid of beauty, (defined as the quality of beauty itself) especially as the works themselves are nothing but our own students, which if lacking the beauty of knowledge, can become grotesque into works, which only serve to fill the room with the stuff the artist with no social value.
Leaving aside the notion that Plato gives the related art poetic madness, (the Muses) of love (Eros and Aphrodite), this love of beauty, should not become intoxicated with love without limit on the Arts (Aikido) but driven by the weight, this will allow us to control our own desires and emotions, while assessing the charm of beauty and truth, whose passion turns man into a philosopher and thinker, observer of the eternal values, which just giving the power of freedom.
The term "right" in Aikido, is identical to that expressed by Plato when he says that a work is "well done on that will produce a positive effect on those who see and hear." Likewise we say that the Aikido we practice is good or not, depending on the effect that it brings in its practitioners, is like a work created by the artist, whether they are good and have good effects if not quickly fall into oblivion. You can create many works, but if not good, what the future holds for them? Therefore what is really important, not the number of students (construction) of a teacher, (artist) but the quality of education acquired by them. (Beauty and quality of the work)
If the result of effects like, respect, humility, serenity, self control and knowledge, is that the type of teaching is good, but if on the contrary, the effects are just the opposite, one might say that the style, forms and techniques, without the slightest philosophical principles based on "knowledge of what is spoken" in this case with greater responsibility and that this would be what is taught. If you have no knowledge of what is taught, teaching is hard work good and lack the beauty which Plato seeks in works of artista.Por other hand, the danger lies in the superficial knowledge of what is taught, what which leads only to "polymathy" (think we know what is not known) and those who have learned bad, they're worse than those who have not learned at all.
"You can talk about the philosophy of Aikido, without a broad enough knowledge of technical competency for review and analysis of the same".
Again Plato shows us the way to its realization on what should be a good teacher, artist or leader. "You must bring a real sense of values, an understanding of the principles that govern the universe, a love of truth and beauty, and also a highly developed reasoning power." Which meant for Plato, the study of mathematics, science more highly developed at that time.
Again joins Plato's philosophy of science, namely the philosophy with practical experience, since all knowledge comes from practice and there is no better practice than the applied art to science.
Understanding Aikido as "Martial-Art-Philosophy", if we separate the martial and philosophical leaving the "Art", we are entering into the analysis of "forms", as these are the beginning of all works, whether carried out through sculpture and painting, (aside art as "Poetry" in the broader Platonic). So if we focus exclusively on the form and we forgot the merits, there falling into the trap of ego that will only be enjoying the beauty of the work, although this becomes an inert object to lack the essence of the spirit, Just as the Sophists, which focused on forgetting the practice of philosophy, or those who say they believe in the beauty of aikido techniques but do not believe in the beauty of it all resemble those who put scientific achievements to the reality of being human.
"Science is advancing rapidly because it can borrow knowledge from others.
But our human quality can not be borrowed from anyone, so it does not evolve. "
Kodo Sawaki
The study of art through the practice of Aikido, leads us to consider a new way of feeling, since knowledge is linked to the performance of these techniques and experience, which makes the student an especially sensitive and prepared to understand lessons, which in future will bring them better results in both academic training and human, do not forget that the true philosopher is one who as Plato said, "has resolved the conflicts of his own soul" and is just then, when ready to meet their own destiny. "The attention to the integration movement and breathing to the realization of it, make you produce the perfect symbiosis of art and understanding art, beauty and aesthetics, form and effectiveness, the body and mind. " Since the true effectiveness of Aikido, is acquired through the harmony of spirit, along with the coordination of movement, movement and breathing with nature itself.
"There is no style in Aikido. Aikido movement is the movement of nature, whose secret is deep and unfathomable "
"Breathing truly means to breathe in unison with the universe." That is when one acquires the power of nature
Morihei Ueshiba
"The movement of rotation of the world is spherical, the most perfect, since it combines movement and stability"
"The circular movement in Aikido is the realization of the circular motion of the universe and is the same as the motion of the Earth in the solar system."
"The most important of the circular motion is the center fixed. In Aikido, our human body is considered a small universe, and the body becomes one with nature and makes a circular motion. In this way we can demonstrate the highest level expression of the techniques of Aikido. "
Kisshomaru Ueshiba
"As we age, our muscles weaken, and we can not lift or push, in the end there is a limit to physical force, regardless of how we developed, for this reason, Morihei Ueshiba said that the unlimited strength comes power of breath. "
Gozo Shioda
Ezekiel Zayas
The thought of Plato, G. M. A. GRUBEEDITORIAL GREDOS, SA Original MadridTítulo: PLATO'S THOUGHT, Methuen & Co Ltd, 1970 (Translated by Thomas Calvo Garcia) 1973
THE SPIRIT OF AIKIDO, Kisshomaru UESHIBAEDITORIAL Eyras, original MadridTítulo: The Spirit of Aikido, Kodansha International (Translated by Jose Ramon and Lucia White Bread Soraluce
BUSHIDO, the samurai code of ethics and the soul of Japan, MIRAGUANO EDITIONS, José Javier Source Editing Pilar
lunes, 5 de octubre de 2009
Aikido-ETSID,Los alumnos opinan (Carmen Herraez)
Desde el principio, con el saludo al fundador, al “O-Sensei “Morihei Ueshiba, te hace aprender un respeto hacia lo que practicas y lo que haces. Y creo que es algo que se ha perdido hoy en día y que indudablemente vale la pena recuperar.
Otra de las cosas que me ha aportado el Aikido es confianza y seguridad.
A diferencia de otras artes marciales, el Aikido es un deporte prácticamente defensivo. No hace falta ni ser muy fuerte ni muy musculoso, sino más bien saber concentrarse absorbiendo el ataque del compañero y proyectándolo, que dicho así parece fácil, pero no se puede estar más equivocado. Mientras más lo practicas, más te das cuenta de lo te queda por aprender.
El hecho de ser un arte marcial tan instintivo y tan natural te da una sensación de seguridad y protección, que es muy importante en el día a día. Esa seguridad se transforma en confianza en ti mismo, y eso es algo que te ayuda a mejorar como persona.
Por otra parte el Aikido no fomenta la violencia, sino que por el contrario, te enseña a ser más tolerante, intentando paliar las situaciones de conflicto en vez de fomentar nuestra victoria y la derrota del oponente. Y en mi opinión esto es una de las cosas que más te beneficia del aikido, y algo que en multitud de situaciones vas a necesitar. No a dejarte llevar por los nervios y las emociones de un primer momento, sino a analizar la situación lógicamente, y enfrentarte a todos los problemas que te rodean con sensatez.
También me da la sensación de que aporta disciplina a la mente, a ser más cabal, te hace aprender a concentrarte más íntegramente en las cosas. Principalmente con los ejercicios de respiración y de proyección. Aprender a concentrarse es esencial en muchos aspectos, sobre todo para gente universitaria como yo, que suele estar tan inmersa en exámenes y otros asuntos académicos.
En resumen, mi opinión es que el Aikido no solo aporta un beneficio físico y defensivo, como cualquier otro arte marcial, sino que te enseña a “armonizar” tu cuerpo con tu mente y a ser una persona más íntegra y respetuosa contigo mismo y con el mundo.
Carmen Herráez
4º kyu
Especialidad - Mecánica
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería del Diseño
miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2009
Aikido-ETSID,Los alumnos opinan (Toni Monzonis Lara)
Esta circunstancia se ha repetido en mi vida desde que tengo uso de razón.
Hace 7 años, la primera vez que vi la escuela, me sorprendió ver que en el pasillo de reprografía había una pirámide de cristal con un hombrecillo dentro. Me acerqué, pues era algo que jamás había visto…
A cada lado de la base cuadrangular, en la peana, estaban inscritas unas frases.Recuerdo una que me impactó poderosamente:
“Deseo que las personas buena escuchen la voz del Aikido, no para corregir a los demás, sino para corregirse a si mismos”
En ese preciso instante mantuve un breve diálogo mental conmigo mismo… ¿Quién sería ese hombrecillo de bronce, con las manos abiertas apuntando al cielo? Tal vez Confucio, Lao-Tse quizás…? ,
¿Que era el Aikido…? Ah si, creo que Steven Seagal lo ponía en práctica en sus películas…
Y ahí aparqué el asunto.
Transcurridos 3 años, viviendo es Castellón se repitió la historia:
De repente, todo yo estaba rojo de cólera, totalmente fuera de mí. Brotaban desde lo más profundo del subconsciente ideas como: “esto es injusto”, “no permitas que te hablen así”, “no toleres está afrenta”, “yo tengo razón”. Mi ego se atrincheraba y me dominaba en su totalidad. De repente la conciencia me devolvió un pensamiento almacenado en el último rincón de mi mente: ““Deseo que las personas buenas escuchen la voz del Aikido, no para corregir a los demás, sino para corregirse a si mismos”
Me aferré a este pensamiento como el naufrago se aferra a un tablón en medio de la tempestad.
La práctica empezó al año siguiente, y no deja de ser curioso, como a veces piensas que tu camino se esconde de ti, y en cambio lo has tenido siempre bajo tus pies…
El ser humano como realidad individual no tiene futuro. He visto con mis propios ojos como el Aikido consigue que nos movamos como una marea. Compuesta por miles de millones de entidades individuales. Una pulsación universal a la que todos podemos acogernos.
Pero creo que es injusto acotar su definición con una valoración individual. Como dice O´sensei: “El Aikido carece de formas, es intangible”. Para cada practicante adquiere matices diferentes, únicos.
Veo el Aikido como algo que tiene mil interpretaciones no excluyentes, que se integran en un todo. Tolerante y armónico.
Los hombres crecen y se marchitan
como el trigo invernal.
Tarde o temprano el espíritu se libera
como el diente de león, mecido por el viento.
4º Kyu
Especialidad Mecánica
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería del Diseño
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Aikido-ETSID,Los alumnos opinan (Carlos Escobedo Carbonell)
Seguro que no soy el primero en llegar la conclusión de que existe una estrecha relación entre el estado físico y el mental, acostumbrarse a no realizar actividades físicas porque nos cansa hace que adquiramos un hábito de no esfuerzo que repercute a la hora de aguantar el estrés de las semanas de exámenes. La práctica del aikido a lo largo del curso permite realizar una actividad que, sin basarse en el agotamiento físico, ayuda a mantener la mente despierta, controlar la respiración, mejorar la coordinación de pies y manos y desarrollar un “espíritu de lucha” o resistencia a las adversidades (léase dolor) que se traduce en los estudios en una capacidad de superar resultados adversos en los exámenes sin tirar la toalla.
No puedo dejar sin decir que el aikido es ante todo un arte marcial de defensa, el practicarlo nos ayuda a ensayar las reacciones que queremos que nuestro cuerpo tenga ante una situación en la que peligre nuestra integridad física, y el conocimiento de que en esos casos podrías reaccionar favorablemente nos da una confianza en nosotros mismos importantísima para nuestra futura vida laboral.
Es importante también destacar que el aikido fomenta la defensa y el respeto, no la humillación y puede ser un camino espiritual y guía en la vida para alguien que se encuentre falto de ello.
Y por último, aunque antes he dicho que el aikido no se basa en el agotamiento físico, no por ello pretendo decir que no permita ponernos en forma, la práctica con armas, como el boken, fortalece los brazos y el tronco y, encima, “mola” mucho.
Carlos Escobedo Carbonell.
5º kyu.
Especialidad Mecánica.
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería del Diseño.
domingo, 20 de septiembre de 2009
Haikus de Bashô Matsuo
miércoles, 16 de septiembre de 2009
Yukio Mishima o el arte de morir
Esperad cada día a la muerte para que, cuando llegue el momento, podáis morir en paz. Trabajad cada mañana en calmar vuestro espíritu, e imaginad el momento en que tal vez seréis desgarrados o mutilados por unas flechas, por unos disparos de bala, por unas lanzas o por unos sables; arrastrados por enormes olas, arrojados a las llamas, heridos por el rayo, derribados por un terremoto, caídos en un precipicio o muriéndoos de enfermedad o durante una circunstancia imprevista. Morid con el pensamiento cada mañana, y ya no temeréis morir”.
"Wait to death every day so that wen the times come, you can die in peace. Work in the morning to calm your spirit, and imagine the time that maybe you will be torn or mutilated by arrows, for a bullet fired by a few spears or swords, dragged down by huge waves, thrown into the fire, wounded by lightning,demolished by an earthquake, fallen off or die of disease or for unforeseen circumstances. Perish with the thought every morning, and shall not fear to death".
Mishima el último Ronin
Mishima the last Ronin
miércoles, 5 de agosto de 2009
La verdadera alegría
Cuando los demás te culpen de algo, no les culpes tú.
Cuando los demás se muestren enfadados contigo, no les devuelvas la ira.
"La alegría solo llega cuando la pasión y el deseo desaparecen"
When the others blame you for something, do not blame them.
When the others show you angry, do not return anger.
"Happiness only comes when the passion and desire disappear"
Kumazawa Banzan
Filósofo japonés
miércoles, 8 de julio de 2009
Pase de grado a 4º dan en Guadalajara
Tanto Jesús como Deimos pasaron a 4º dan, después de un duro examen donde demostraron tanto la calidad de las técnicas como la perfección en la realización de las mismas.
A ambos nuestra mas enhorabuena.
Jesus Morales del Horno and Deimos Cabrera Matador, with Ezequiel Zayas, Pedro Fournier and Fernando Valero.
Both Jesus and Deimos are passed to 4th dan, after a tough test which demonstrated both the technical quality and perfection in making them.
Both our more congratulations.
Curso de Aikido en Guadalajara -Aikido Seminar in Guadalajara
En la foto, un grupo de alumnos junto con el presidente de la Federación de Castilla la Mancha D. Juan José Hernandez, quien felicitó a todos los aprobados y asistentes al curso animándoles a seguir en esa línea.
También felicitó al Director del Departamento Pedro Fournier por la organización y a Fernando Valero y Ezequiel Zayas miembros del tribunal de exámenes.
Once again the course passing grade from Guadalajara, led by the Department Director Peter Fournier has met their expectations.
In the photo, a group of students along with the president of the Castilla la Mancha Federation D. Juan Jose Hernandez, who congratulated all course attendees approved and encouraging them to continue on that line.
Also congratulated the Department Director Peter Fournier for the organization and the members of the examiners board,Fernando Valero and Ezequiel Zayas.
Santos Nalda y Pedro Fournier en la ETSID
Los profesores instructores, Pedro Fournier y José Santos Nalda, dieron una clase magistral a los alumnos de la ETSID, los cuales obtuvieron al finalizar el curso los 4 créditos ofertados por la Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería del Diseño.
Felicitaciones a los que pasaron de Kyu, e invitarles a que sigan por el sendero que han escogido.
The teachers instructors, Peter Fournier, and Jose Santos Nalda, gave a lecture to students in the ETSID, which obtained at the end the course the 4 credit offered by the School of Design Engineering.
Congratulations to those who went from Kyu, and invite them to continue along the path they have chosen
lunes, 8 de junio de 2009
El principio natural del aikido
A fin de cuentas hay un límite a la fuerza física, independientemente de como la hayamos desarrollado.
Por esta razón, Ueshiba Sensei dice que la fuerza ilimitada proviene de la potencia de la respiración.
As we age, our muscles weaken and can no longer lift or push.
On balance there is a limit to physical force, regardless of how we have developed.
For this reason, Ueshiba Sensei said that the force comes from the unlimited power of breathing.
Gozo Shioda
10 dan
sábado, 30 de mayo de 2009
Perspectiva teleológica
Pero, en caso contrario lo cual resultaría impío incluso insinuarlo, habría tenido un modelo engendrado.
Resulta evidente para todos que el mundo fue hecho conforme a un modelo eterno.
If the world is beautiful and its maker is good, is that it obviously has before it an eternal model.
But otherwise this would be unjust even intimated, would have created a model.
It is clear to all that the world was done with a model forever.
Teleología: Doctrina opuesta al mecanicismo, afirma la existencia de causas finales determinantes que explican los fenómenos naturales y los propios de los seres vivos.
viernes, 6 de febrero de 2009
La ofensa, no ofende al sabio
Aunque te desnudes ante mi y me insultes, ¿que me importa?.
No puedes manchar mi alma con tu ultraje.
La ira motivada por alguna ofensa nimia, es indigna de un hombre superior, pero la indignación por una gran causa, justifica la cólera.
En la mente de todo hombre, está el amor al honor, pero pocos imaginan que lo verdaderamente honorable, reside en nosotros mismos y en ninguna otra parte.
Although you naked before me and insult me, what I care?.
You can not stain my soul with your outrage.
The anger prompted by some trivial offense, is unworthy of a man superior, but the outrage over a great cause, justified anger.
In the mind of every man, is the love of honor, but few imagine that the truly honorable, lies in ourselves and nowhere else.
La forma en Aikido
Los movimientos naturales son los movimientos del aikido.
Su profundidad es insondable e inagotable.
Morihei Ueshiba
Nota.Kisshomaru Ueshiba dirigido a los alumnos mas avanzados que han alcanzado cierto nivel de dominio y sin embargo están todavía apegados a la forma que carece de fluidez de los movimientos naturales, los cuales caracterizan la manifestación última del aikido.
lunes, 19 de enero de 2009
El equilibrio del cuerpo y del espíritu
Porque la armonía es la ley suprema del Universo.
The human being must rely to invoke the harmony of health as formulated balance of body and spirit.
Because harmony is the supreme law of the universe.
Kalu Rimpoché
miércoles, 14 de enero de 2009
III Memorial Iwagaki Shigenori
Se realizó el III memorial Iwagaki Shigenori en la ciudad de Torrent (Valencia), donde el maestro Nebi Vural además de dar un magnífico seminario, lo clausuró diciendo que lo verdaderamente importante en aikido es unir a aikidokas de diferentes países y culturas bajo un mismo budô.
The III memorial Iwagaki Shigenori was held in Torrent (Valencia) , where the teacher Nebi Vural, besides giving a great seminar, he closed it saying the truly important in aikido, is to join aikidokas from different countries and cultures under the same budô.
Le III Memorial Iwagaki Shigenori a eu lieu a Torrent (Valencia), où le professeur Nebi Vural a donné un merveilleux séminaire et conclu en disant que ce qui est vraiment important dans l'aïkido est d'unir les aikidokas de différents pays et cultures sous un même budô.
jueves, 8 de enero de 2009
Razonamientos de un Maestro Zen / Reasoning of a Zen Master
Pero nuestra calidad humana,
no puede tomarse prestada de nadie,
y por eso mismo no evolucionamos.
because it can borrow the knowledge of others.
But our human quality
can not be given to anyone,
and therefore not changed.